Lady Sovereign comes out..

Good for her.. not only is she a white girl in the middle of the rap game, she's a lesbian to boot.. props to her for coming out and standing strong.


But, Girls don't drink beer or smoke cigars?!?!!!?

Congrats girls, you WON THE GOLD MEDAL FOR HOCKEY!

But, wait.. don't party too hard...

The IOC is considering an investigation of the Canadian Womens Hockey team because apparent celebrations got too out of hand.

The girls took some picture on the ice, after the ceremony, with open beers, champagne and cigars.

Sounds like a proper celebration in my books!

However, the IOC is concerned that their behaviour was inappropriate and possibly offensive.

Yes, a girl was attempting to drive the Zamboni.. but then there's this picture:

(Scotty Lago, American Snowboarding Bronze medalist)

What is worse really?

God, that dude looks like such a creeper...

Anyway, so girls can't drink beer or smoke cigars, but we're allowed to give fake head in public.


Drum and Bass think-tank

Heck yes!

Got my issues sorted out with blogger. Sometimes I think I have too many accounts in too many places, I can't keep track of them all.

Double shifting at reception today.. It's awfully quiet. I'm trying to think of things to do today to keep myself occupied.

This weekend was incredibly satisfying. I hosted a drum and bass session at my place. I invited over some of the contacts I've made in recent months, so we could network and really get creative.

It went of amazingly. Everyone got a chance to bang out some tunes, and we had some decent promoter talks.

Of course, my favorite topic was on the table.. Girl DJs.

When you get that many girls together who love drum and bass, and that are starting to make moves in the scene, you know it's gonna come up. The discussion was heated, as usual.

An interesting perspective was brought to my attention--from one of the girls.
She believes that we're given unfair advantages over male DJs that are at the same or even better skill level as us. She thinks the fact that we're a girl, that we're different and interesting, means we get gigs more often, and with less work. She also suggested that when we DO have a bad night, we tend to get a lot more support BECAUSE we're girls. That old "Aww well, she's a GIRL, it's good that she's even up there in the first place!"

I think she's got a valid point, but that just makes it our responsibility to ensure that we're not taking advantage of these bonuses.. Instead, we should always have our artistic integrity at the forefront of our moves in the scene.

Yes, we can get booked more frequently. Yes, we can get booked at big clubs that we're not ready for. But we should say no, if we truly feel we're not ready, or if we're not entirely certain that we'll preform to the best of our ability.

It's all about making sure you've got the talent to back you up. Any time you go out there, and just take a gig because you're a girl, you're reinforcing that stereotype.. that girls only get gigs because they're girls. That we're no more than a novelty. On a scene that relies so heavily on credibility, if you're gonna talk the talk, you better walk the walk... or in our case, nail that double drop.

Another issue I took with this girl's point of view, was that we shouldn't apologise for making connections and taking advantage of them. I know plenty of guys that are terrific DJs, but they're not out there hustling half as hard as the girls I know. We're chatting up other DJs, promoters, and everyone else that will listen. I think we take this attitude because we're a lot more used to fighting for our spots than most of the guys are. They still assume that their talent will speak for them; for us ladies, however, we've always had to prove that we deserve a place in this scene.

Anyway, it was great to have such a diverse group of djs and drum and bass enthusiasts. I think my favorite part was when Kaela got up to mix for the first time at a house party; Kaela just bought her first decks about 4 months ago, and man does that girl know her drum and bass!

Good things are in store for this scene. When people care so much, and are fully aware of their actions and their effects, it can only be a benefit to the scene. :)

Girls can hang!

Well, here we are.. In 2010, staring down a new year.
I'd like to say, we're off to a pretty good start.

In January, almost EVERY single one of the active female drum and bass djs in the city have gigs, and ALMOST all of those gigs are PROPER paying gigs, not just the typical "girl dj" nights that treat us like a novalty.

I love where this is going!

The second Greenlaw Productions jam went off AMAZINGLY last Friday night-- proving that it doesn't have to be a "Girls night" for us girls to fill a room.


Too much talk

They say that the key to a good relationship is communication. If you're open, honest, and willing to discuss issues, you can only make your relationship stronger, and last longer.

Then why is it that so many relationships break down when couples try to talk more?

It's my experience that a relationship that tried to talk everything out, ends a lot quicker than relationships where there is more silence.

I have a theory about this. A relationship where the couple talks about problems less often, is a couple that lets the insignificant stuff slide. Not every single issue, mistake, flaw, needs to be continuously dissected. If you love one another, you'll pick and choose the times where you do need to have an actual discussion.

The way I look at it is, I respect my significant other enough that many of the little disagreements are not worth a big "we need to talk about this". I'll leave that for the big stuff, like wedding plans, babies, buying houses... cancer, cheating.. real. big. problems.

I'd like to spend my time in a relationship enjoying each other, rather than wasting time on petty disagreements.

The Toronto Drum and Bass awards--the never ending debate

Recently, Toronto held its second annual Drum and Bass awards at XS nightclub, hosted by Destiny and Future Sound productions. The winners of each award were decided by an online poll--I wont go into the issues and controversy regarding the polls, because that's a whole other blog, and I don't see ANYTHING being resolved by blogging it, so I'll pass on that one. (in case you are interested in the debate, check out

Anyway, early on, I noticed that there was a problem. The promoters had decided that the winner of the Best DJ category would get to play a set at the event. However, every single female DJ in the city was eliminated from this opportunity because Girl DJs were not part of the Best Dj category, she could only compete against other girls in the "best girl dj" category.

Being my little ol' Julie Pie self, I immediately brought this up on in the event post (you can check it out here at

If the old boys club was going to segregate the girls from the boys, they were essentially saying that the girls are not even CLOSE to as good as the boys, and they don't deserve a spot at the event show.

COMPLETELY UNTRUE, and not cool, at all.

To my amazement, my complaint was immediately responded to, and I was informed that the winning girl would be, in fact, given an opportunity to play at the award event.

Success! Julie Pie wins one for the girls! Err... or so I thought.
The awards have come and gone, and we're still facing a whole whack of drama (see my first link)

I mean, I can't REALLY complain. Female DJs and sexism in drum and bass seems to be a hot topic at the moment, and I LOVE the dialogue. The Toronto Drum and Bass scene has traditionally been male dominated--from the promoters throwing the jams to the DJs playing the music, not to mention the fact that nearly ALL producers of Drum and Bass are boys. Now, we're looking at a crop of talented, driven and passionate FEMALE DJs that are all coming up in the scene right now.

Toronto has a very unique situation--it's a small community, and it's becoming nearly an equal split in all aspects.. more girls are throwing parties, more girls are getting behind the decks, and I seriously hope there's more girl trying their hands at producing tunes.

All of these things are GOOD signs that we're heading in the right direction, and the constant discussion on is a reflection of the progress we're making here. We're going to see a lot of growing pains, it's always hard for the boys in the scene to deal with change, but I do see a lot of respect for this movement, even from the guys.

When it comes down to it, we all love Drum and Bass, and no one can dispute when a DJ tears up a club, doesn't matter if it's a dude or a girl.

Pr0n, sex tapes, cute guys in business suits and other NSFW topics

It's Fridayeeeee!! And because it's the best day of the week, I've been tremendously inappropriate all afternoon.

Something about being at work, in an office, doin the 2-5 shift on a Friday just tempts me to act indecently. Probably something to do with all the cute guys in business suits parading past my desk today..

So, my afternoon of crass conversations began with a question about sex tapes. This, of course, was instigated by the suggestion that I should spend my afternoon watching porn on my computer at work--which I think goes a little beyond NSFW, and into the category of DIYWGF (do-if-you-wanna-get-fired) tbh.

Anyway, porn was suggested, and it's been on my mind lately anyhow (for purely academic purposes, honest). My question to my msn buddy was "so you think those girls know they're going to end up online after making a lil harmless sextape with their boyfriend?"

Harmless, never. You can't really claim to be innocent of the consequences while you're making a sex tape. Voyeurism and Exhibhitionism are kinda the point (duh) of sex tapes, afterall. But would most of those girls actually consent to their homemade video online? Hmmm I'm guessing no... otherwise the videos wouldn't be titled "My ex girlfriend", but rather "My ex boyfriend".